In session 2021-22 Shri Harkrishan Sahib Public High School, Gill Market, Ludhiana….. views Swachhata Pakhwada this year…. on awareness regarding COVID-19, the safety protocols and COVID appropriate behavior Swachhata Pakhwada 2020-21 activities are focussed on 3 major precautionary practice
1. Hand Washing with Soap, 2. Use of Mask, 3. Social distancing and on 3 T’s Trace,Testing and Treat. Also, the traditional methods of planting trees, keeping premises and teaching all stakeholders, the way of survival for self and for the generations to come.
To sensitize the students to keep their school and surroundings clean and to create awareness among others .Students presented their thoughts on cleanliness during assembly. They presented their views in the form of Posters & slogans. Cleanliness drive was also organized in August 2021. Students prepared recyled paper from newspapers and other used waste paper.